About Us

Great Smiles Don’t Just Happen.
They’re Made - By Us.

Dr. Thomas graduated from Heritage High School and completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan, where he earned his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) with distinction in Anthropology/Zoology. He continued his education at the University of Michigan Dental School where he received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) degree. After receiving his Master’s degree in Orthodontics (M.S.) from the University of Detroit-Mercy Dental School, Dr. Thomas felt honored to return to his hometown to make a difference.

Dr. Thomas has successfully completed the voluntary, yet highly prestigious American Board of Orthodontics (ABO) written and clinical examinations. Completion of these exams represents the highest level of qualification an orthodontist can attain.

As a practitioner who understands the pace at which technology advances, Dr. Thomas continues his education regularly through participation in meetings, lectures, and hands-on training. It also gives him the opportunity to interact with his peers and learn about different perspectives on treatment modalities. Dr. Thomas bases all treatment decisions on scientifically-based evidence, not bending to what is fashionable or trendy. This ensures that his patients not only receive the highest quality of care, but also the most beautiful results as well.

Home is where his heart is.
Dr. Thomas is thrilled to be back in the wonderful community where he grew up. He and his wife, Sarah, have three wonderful children. In his free time, Dr. Thomas enjoys being with his family, golf, playing basketball, reading, and hiking through our beautiful national parks. He believes in living life to its fullest, spending quality time with his family, and doing his very best at any job he undertakes.

The smiles we create are a work of heart.

Peggy Clinic Coordinator

Peggy Clinic Coordinator

“My favorite activity as a kid was visiting my aunt’s cabin up north.”

Miranda Director Of Operations

Miranda Director Of Operations

“My favorite activity as a kid was snowboarding.”


Macey Treatment Coordinator

Macey Treatment Coordinator

“My favorite brace-safe snack is salt & vinegar chips.”


Reaghan Ortho Facilitator

Reaghan Ortho Facilitator

"My favorite thing about my job is watching our patients become more confident in their smiles!"


Alexis Ortho Facilitator

Alexis Ortho Facilitator

"My favorite brace safe snack is a fruit smoothie."


Bree Financial Coordinator

Bree Financial Coordinator

"My favorite childhood memories are riding bikes, playing tag and camping."

Check out our office!

The Stronger The Community,
The Bigger The Smiles.

At MI Smile Journey, we are committed to more than just shaping beautiful smiles – we are also committed to supporting the community we serve through giving back to the businesses that are its backbone & the causes you care about. We are proud to have served as a sponsor for several local youth baseball leagues, the Marc Jaremba Scholarship Golf Tournament, & the Freeland Walleye 5K Race, donating to causes that include the United Way flood victim initiative, Operation Shoebox,  & the Veteran’s Food Pantry, hosting giveways like our back-to-school backpack giveaway & our brace safe Halloween candy giveaway, & providing free orthodontic treatment to those that need it most.

We are always excited to learn about new ways that we can continue to give back to & build up our community- so if you have a sponsorship or philanthropic opportunity that you think MI Smile Orthodontics would be a great fit for, please reach out to us & let us know about it!

Start Your Journey Towards
Great Orthodontics With
MI Smile Journey Orthodontics

Saginaw Orthodontics Office
5355 N Colony Dr.
Saginaw, MI
(989) 792-7056

Frankenmuth Orthodontics Office
123 Churchgrove St.
Frankenmuth, MI
(989) 792-7056

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